Re-evaluating Your Health Insurance: Going to College and Post-Graduation

Re-evaluating Your Health Insurance: Going to College and Post-Graduation

Health insurance is not something you can purchase at any time. Health insurance is more like the phone in your pocket, which you may want to upgrade from time to time. Some people pay more for faster service and others choose a low-cost pay-as-you-go plan. Nearly everyone will download an app or feature from time to time that suits their individual needs.

Just as you might upgrade your phone, you should reevaluate your health insurance coverage often (at least annually). You should also re-evaluate your health insurance at certain milestones or life events. In this article, we consider two life events: going to college and post-graduation. Below are a few key things to consider when you or a family member are approaching these milestones.

Going to College

Does your college offer on-campus health services and/or insurance coverage?
Is the coverage offered through your college a better fit than your parent's plan and does it cover the providers and care you anticipate needing?
Will it cover you for the summers and school holidays if you return home or leave the area?

Post-Graduation/ First Employment

If you are entering the workforce after college but you are under 26 you have the choice to remain on your parent's plan. Or if you’re fortunate to find full-time employment with health insurance benefits you also have the option to accept your employer's insurance plan.

How does your employer's coverage compare to your parent's plan? Does it cover the providers and medical care you anticipate needing?
Does the employer offer an HSA-compatible plan that you could start as a long-term investment opportunity for future healthcare expenses?
Does your employer require you to accept their insurance plan, or do they offer you the option to waive coverage?

Health insurance feels complicated, but it is one of the most significant decisions you can plan for; the sooner you become familiar with evaluating your options the easier it will become.

Last Revised June 29th, 2022